2010. augusztus 29., vasárnap

Make Up Ur HairyStyle and Celebrity HairyStyle Tips - Ebook

It’s free, it’s packed full of goodness, and when you print it out (preferably
on recycled paper), it’ll be thin enough to put under your pillow. Why would
you put it under your pillow? Well, you usually put something under your
pillow that you think will keep you safe, or that you think is particularly
precious. This e-book will keep you safe, and it’s certainly precious.
I’m a professional hairstylist with over 25 years experience, and in this
e-book I pinpoint and discuss all the things about getting a hairstyle
makeover that might worry you. I think you might be surprised when you
realize that your little anxieties may actually be big worries for many others.
I give you my honest and experienced opinion about whether you’re right to
worry about these things, or whether you should forget them. And if you’re
right—if these hairstyling concerns you’re worried about are serious—then I
talk you through how to deal with them.